SDGs wheel


Our 2016 - 2021 Programme aligned with the kick-off of the #GlobalGoals. We sought to implement a comprehensive strategy to tackle poverty and help the country achieve its Sustainable Development Goals.

During this period, Zimbabwe faced numerous challenges, including two droughts, a tropical cyclone, a global pandemic, reduced energy production, and rising youth unemployment, all amid an economy undergoing tough measures to re-build.

This report, Side by Side, highlights key moments over the past six years and demonstrates how UNDP remained by Zimbabwe’s side through both prosperous and difficult times.

We take pride in contributing to:
  • The health sector’s efforts to combatting the AIDS epidemic and the COVID-19 pandemic,
  • Advancing climate-smart initiatives,
  • Enhancing access to justice for all,
  • Empowering women and combating gender-based violence and harmful practices,
  • Connecting youth to opportunities, fostering sustainable livelihoods, and fortifying public institutions.

In addition, we learned valuable lessons such as:

  1. Infrastructure investment yields benefits during crises - as demonstrated by the Solar4Health initiative during Cyclone Idai and the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Greater flexibility is needed to for the increasingly complex development challenges - as evidenced by the innovative funding mechanism, the crisis modifier, implemented as part of the ZRBF.
  3. Increase investment in future-proof governance services and platforms - as seen during our rapid response and reprogramming support amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

We express our gratitude to the people and Government of Zimbabwe, donor countries, multilateral funds, the private sector and civil society, and sister UN agencies for their collaboration.

We are pleased to present this abbreviated report, Side by Side, for the 2016-2021 UNDP Country Programme.

Madelena Monoja
Deputy Resident Representative - Programmes

2016 - 2021

Growth for all

The 2016 - 2021 programme sought to provide a targeted, holistic approach to tackling poverty. It proposed high level and downstream initiatives to support Zimbabwe lay the foundation for achieving the new Sustainable Development Goals.
State of National Disaster declared. Climate change becomes more real as Zimbabwe experiences an El Nino induced drought, the worst in 35 years. Over 5.2 million people are faced with food insecurity.

Resilient communities

UNDP partners three development partners (European Union, United Kingdom & Sweden) and pool together a fund of $104 million* to help build the resilience of communities to cope with climate change and other unforeseen shocks. The Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund (ZRBF) seeks to improve ability of 180,000 households to withstand shocks and bounce back after crisis.

ZRBF adopts a unique approach in:

  • using data to inform activities and policy
  • integrating interventions
  • employing flexible programming for early response to crisis


This approach to resilience building is tested and proven when drought re-occurs in 2020 and only 14.5% are food insecure, compared to the national average of 50%.

Investing in the Future.

In addition to resilience programming, ZRBF develops a resilience knowledge platform as an investment into learning and collaboration.

SDGs contributed to
* $104 million is cumulative total over 6 years, pooled together by founding partners European Union, United Kingdom's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; Sweden and UNDP. Denmark also makes a contribution during the course of implementation.
people are supported to cope with the effects of climate change through various ZRBF interventions
17 → data points collected & analysed every month. In 2020, this high frequency monitoring leads to early detection of a tick-borne livestock disease. The Acaricide intervention (livestock dipping programme) put in place saves over 600,000 cattle.
ZRBF promotes production of traditional grain to bolster food security as they are more drought tolerant. This is coupled with a “pass-on” initiative where farmers share harvested seeds with other farmers.
2,720 → small scale assets & infrastructure developed. Examples includes agro-processing centres, irrigation schemes, water infrastructure, dip-tanks, fishponds and biogas digesters.
$200, 000 → Invested in technical and financial support of national data efforts such as such as the Agriculture Information System (AIMS) , and key surveys and high monitoring systems such as the Rural Livelihoods Assessment.
Zimbabwe affirms to the historic Paris Agreement and submits its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which are a set of actions the country intends to take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
We continue to leverage the global UNDP network to mobilise resources to implement of the NDCs in Zimbabwe

Smart action against carbon emissions

Our climate change response portfolio is an important area of our support to Zimbabwe. It spans from high level support at national level, to working with households and individuals.

Throughout the last six years (2016 - 2021), UNDP provided strategic guidance and expertise for the drafting of the initial and updated NDCs. Through an inclusive process of consultation with youth and all sectors, As a result, the country's NDCs have 40% commitment.

Pathway to zero emissions.

Following this, we worked with the Government to develop the Low Emissions Development Strategy which sets charts the course to net zero carbon emissions in the country.

SDGs contributed to
Support towards implementation of the Paris Agreement is enabled by the global Climate Promise initiative of UNDP. Additional funds were made through generous support from the Russian Federation.
Zimbabwe witnesses a political transition from then President Robert Mugabe's to President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government.

Supporting transitional stability

We worked with the new Government on the establishment of a Transition Policy Think Tank to help the Government think through the most pressing development challenges and to design policy options.

UNDP was part of the United Nations team that joined the World Bank and African Development Bank to carry out a needs assessment to examine priority needs and costing for key policy reforms. Following the assessment, UNDP continued to support the new Government to implement the Transitional Stabilization Programme which outlined the economic and democratic reforms to help the country achieve the SDGs and its Vision 2030 of a Middle-Income Country.

SDGs contributed to
Milestone as one million Zimbabweans living with HIV are now receiving antiretroviral treatment.

A chance to live

Zimbabwe was heavily burdened by HIV, with 1.3 million people living with the virus by the end of 2016. The Government's strong commitment to ending the epidemic yielded considerable results. Our partnership with the Ministry of Health and Child Care and Global Fund increased investment in the supply chain of the antiretroviral treatment to increase access to the life-saving medication.

Woman sitting on bed
Read stories of people behind this milestone and how their lives were transformed with treatment:
SDGs contributed to
Investments in increasing access to antiretroviral treatment were made by Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (Global Fund)
The partnership provides anti-retroviral medication for over
of those on treatment in Zimbabwe
44 African countries, including Zimbabwe, sign the African Continental Free Trade Agreement, which becomes active in 2019.

Opening doors to the continent

Prospects of accessing the single largest market are exciting but many do not understand what the agreement entails.

UNDP brought together trade experts to unpack the trade agreement to private sectors companies, the informal sector, cross-border traders, Government ministries and departments, and non-Governmental organisations.

Leaving No Woman Behind.

We also partnered with UNWOMEN to consult on critical issues to be included in the Women in Trade protocol. The Protocol ensures that women fully participate in, and benefit from, opportunities arising out of the trade agreement.

SDGs contributed to
people representing organisations from over 10 countries plugged into the 7 virtual training sessions on the AfCFTA
Zimbabwe goes to the polls to select Presidential, Parliament and Senate leaders.

Historical polls

Leading to the 2018 elections, UNDP assisted the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to augment their capacity for administering this important democratic process.

registered to vote on using the Biometric Voter registration system.

We provided key electoral advisory, which amongst others, led to the adoption of biometric voter registration (BVR) as the preferred option to develop a new voter’s roll.

A key highlight of the Biometric Voter Registration rollout is creation of a new voters roll which was made available for analysis. This is a first in Zimbabwe’s history and was commended by election observer missions.

Our commitment to walking with Zimbabwe during this important democratic process was reiterated by the high level visit of UNDP Administrator, Achim Steiner to Zimbabwe.
BVR operators undergoing training. 5.7 million citizens (around 8 out of every 10 of those eligible) registered to vote using the BVR system.
85%  → Voter turnout on election day, contributed to in part by the massive voter education campaign.
SDGs contributed to
The European Union and Japan provided financial support to enable this assistance to the 2018 elections
New Parliament is sworn in.

Creating space for citizen's voices

Zimbabwe’s constitution mandates the Parliament of Zimbabwe to consult citizens when making laws. Our work with the Parliament was directed towards increasing citizens participation in key democratic processes through:

Preparing Parliamentarians for their roles, with particular focus on integration of the SDGs, gender mainstreaming and inclusion of persons with disabilities
Enabling citizens engagement by facilitating public hearings, consultations and outreach programmes
Work with Parliament staff and leadership to strengthen core functions for effective delivery of Parliamentary Business
Increase the Office of the Auditor-General's capacity of public expenditure oversight and to produce timely audit reports for the Parliament
SDGs contributed to
The Parliament Support Programme was funded through generous grants from the European Union and Sweden and also by UNDP.
Government declares a national emergency after cholera cases spike. The outbreak seems to originate from and mostly affects urban centres.

Resilient urban spaces

There is a growing realisation that urban areas are also exposed to acute shocks and stresses.

In response, we partnered with WASH experts UNICEF to initiate the project Partnership for Urban Resilience, targeting suburban areas that were hard hit by the cholera outbreak.

Working with Urban Local Authorities, the programme focuses on a holistic approach:

  • improving service delivery
  • improving access to Water, Sanitation and Hygience (WASH)
  • local economic development

Prepared for the pandemic.

Two years later when COVID-19 begins and impact disproportionately affects urban areas more, the programme is well positioned to respond to the pandemic.

wholesale & satellite markets, respectively, that were constructed or rehabilitated to create safe space for vendors & customers
SDGs contributed to
Financial resources were generously availed by the Russian Federation, UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund and UNDP Rapid Financing Facility.
Tropical Cyclone Idai lands in the Eastern Highlands region of the country, destroying 4,000 houses and affects livelihoods of over 270,000 people.

Recovery from climate disaster

Following the humanitarian response, UNDP immediately moved in to help the affected with early recovery initiatives to help people begin to bounce back, and with roofing repairs to restore their dignity.

We worked hand-to-hand with affected communities to re-build their lives on a cash-for-work basis

Foundation for recovery.

UNDP worked with CARE Zimbabwe to rehabilitate small scale infrastructure and restore livelihoods of nearly 28,000 people, about over 10% of those affected.

Restoring roofs. Rebuilding hope.

We worked together with 180 volunteers from the affected communities to restore damaged roofing over homes, clinics and schools.

Skills for life.

It is gratifying to note that, in additional to repairing homes, the volunteers also learnt or upgraded their skills. 17 have been recommended by the Government to receive trade certification.

To aid early recovery, we helped rebuild 2 water harvesting structures, 3 cattle dip tanks, 3 solar powered communal water pumps , fencing of 3 community gardens, rehabilitation of 1 weir dam and 1 irrigation scheme.
487 homes, 30 schools and 8 clinic staff housing units had their roofs restored.
True to the tenents of 'Building Back Better', our earlier investment in protecting the 450 hectare Nyanyadzi Irrigation Scheme with gabions prevented extensive damage from Cyclone Idai.
SDGs contributed to
The early recovery work to rehabilitate small scale community infrastructure was enabled by UNDP Funding Windows.
Financial resources for restoring damaged roofs were generously availed by the People’s Republic of China, and technical support on the ground by telecommunications operator, Econet.
Thousands of young people's representatives from across the country converge at the Youth Indaba.


Among other things, the youth highlighted the need to access to capital, markets, skills development, apprenticeships and jobs; and the need to reach rural youth with youth-centred interventions.

Connekting youth to careers, skills & opportunities.

Together with the Government, UNDP develops YouthConnekt Zimbabwe to connect young people to these needs outlined at the Indaba. The model follows the highly successful YouthConnekt initiative started in Rwanda in 2012.
Chipo Chihunda
wins the StartUp Tour Bus Challenge with her plastic waste to roofing tiles concept.
Junior Bakasa
& her cleaning products manufacturing business tops the COVID-19 Response Competition.
Moses Mwanawenyu
& friends are one of 10 enterprising rural youth groups supported to accelerate growth in their value-chain.
Moreblessing, Ronald, Lienne
and 14 others win grants in the Business Growth Programme to scale their operations.
Tinotenda Magiya
& 25 Graduate Fellows are selected to take part in Class2Career Programme at Masawara Group of companies.
Government declares State of Disaster again as another drought occurs barely two years after the last one.

Early action to climate crisis

When the second drought in five years occurred, the Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund was strategically positioned to quickly launch a crisis modifier - an innovative and flexible financing mechanism that enables quick response to shocks and prevent communities from slipping back into extreme poverty. Watch video below for more.

Play Video
SDGs contributed to
The crisis modifier was supported by Denmark's additional grant into the Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund.
UNDP launches the Accelerator Labs globally. Zimbabwe is selected to host one of the 27 Labs in Africa, 60 globally.

Win or learn. Fast.

Today’s frontier challenges are complex, multi-dimensional and cannot be solved by a single approach. The UNDP Accelerator Lab initiative is the world’s largest learning network, built to learn what works and what doesn't in sustainable development.  UNDP Zimbabwe’s Lab brought this collective intelligence to search for and incubate solutions to some of the country’s development challenges worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Transcending Borders
The Zimbabwe & Zambia Accelerator Labs partnered to identify local innovative solutions that can be used to sustain border economies impacted by the pandemic.
Food Supply, Informality & Data
The Lab processed & visualised market supply data to bring a level of predictability in informal sector based livelihoods and supply chains.
NextGen Cities - Food for thought
Tackling hunger-driven urban poverty by using climate smart farming methods on unused urban land.
Investment into the Accelerator Labs was made by the founding partners, Germany and Qatar.
Climate change leads to receding water levels at Kariba Dam and reduced electricity generation capacity. Healthcare, among other sectors, is at risk of being affected by power outages.

Powering wellness

Despite the challenges of inadequate power affecting the country and region, the Solar4Health initiative enables some rural & urban health facilities to continue providing critical health services such as:

  • timely diagnosis for laboratory test
  • transmission of real-time health information for outbreak detection
  • powering the theatre for operations
  • lighting maternity wards for safe delivery
  • medicines to be kept at optimal temperatures

Investment for a future crisis.

The solar system at Chimanimani Hospital enabled staff to attend to the injured during & after Cyclone Idai. It also provided critical power to first responders for communication before power was restored.

The investment has been key in the COVID-19 response programme to provide refrigeration for temperature-sensitive vaccines.

health facilities installed with solar systems between 2017 - 2022
SDGs contributed to
The Solar4Health programme was established using savings realised from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (Global Fund) grants.
Results of a key national survey indicate a rise in cases of sexual and gender based violence

Shining a light on inequality

UNDP joined five other UN agencies in a partnership initiated by the European Union Delegation and the Government of Zimbabwe to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls. The launch of the Spotlight Initiative complemented our in-house efforts to keep checking the pulse on gender equality and women empowerment in our programming.

UNDP’s contribution to the Spotlight Initiative partnership, included:

  • putting into operation the High Level Political Compact (HLPC) - a platform to catalyse the political will to end all violence against women and girls
  • using our experience in resilience building for women's economic empowerment
  • leveraging our expertise in the governance portfolio for effective legal and justice response to gender based violence

The Spotlight Initiative is supported by the European Union

Equalising the odds.

Our other programmes take a gender responsive angle to target, design, implement and assess interventions. Initiatives included:

  • Supported the establishment of a women’s Microfinance Bank to redress inequalities in access to finance
  • Together with UN Women, supported activities addressing women’s peace and safety issues in communities
  • Worked with magistrates and senior police officers to skill them in applying a gender lens in dispensing justice
  • Supporting a women miners’ cooperatives with full complement of mining equipment
SDGs contributed to
Worked with the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus to aid stronger participation of women in politics, and in electoral and legislative processes.

Our approach to constantly check the pulse on gender equality enables us to respond with programmes that offset imbalances.

The higher HIV prevalence in women (6.7%) vs. men (2.9%) prompted us to initiate comprehensive prevention activities targeting adolescent girls and young women.

Using biogas for cooking.

We intentionally promoted labour-saving technologies such as solar water pumping, energy saving stoves, biogas digesters and mechanised tillage to catalyse women's empowerment.
The first COVID-19 case is recorded in Zimbabwe

Global pandemic

COVID-19 hit Zimbabwe at a fragile moment - after three consecutive years of drought and with an economy attempting to rebuild. Our focus was on providing stability to minimise the pandemic's impact.

As an immediate response, UNDP mobilised or repurposed financial resources towards the national response.  

Our experience and global networks in the medical supplies supply chain, through the Global Fund partnership, was key for timely procurement of essential equipment for the response.

Business Continuity.

To facilitate business continuity and service delivery during the lockdown, we provided ICT infrastructure to core government institutions and implementing partners.

  • 40+ TB internet data
  • 250 laptops
  • Almost 100 Zoom licenses
SDGs contributed to
worth of COVID-19 test kits and PPEs procured for frontlinbe health workers on our, and also the World Bank's behalf.
Recognising the size and importance of Zimbabwe’s informal economy (top three largest globally), UNDP also channeled COVID-19 response support to the sector. We established new, or rehabilitated existing market infrastructure that adhere to COVID-19 safety regulations.
We harnessed the energy of young people who volunteered to mount an extensive awareness campaign in seven of the largest food markets across the country, reaching over 300,000 people with critical COVID-19 messaging and prevention services.
UNDP led the UN system in developing a Socio-Economic Response Framework that captures a coordinated UN-wide offer to the national efforts of addressing COVID and its secondary impacts.
The pandemic also accelerated plans to take the justice system virtual. UNDP supported the Judicial Services Commission with processes and equipment to set up a virtual court in each of the 10 provinces.
President Emmerson Mnangagwa signs the historic land compensation deal

A landmark deal

The compensation agreement between the Government and former commercial farmers was a key milestone in the protracted land issue.

Prior, we had worked with the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement to carry out land surveys, farm evaluations and establish a land database. We were also privileged to facilitate a dialogue platform between the parties. All of which contributed to the signing of the deal.
SDGs contributed to
The European Union and UNDP availed funds to support the Lands project
The Gender, Human Rights, and the Peace and Reconciliation independent Commissions sign agreement for joint investigations on common issues

Better together

Our Governance portfolio availed technical & financial assistance for the operationalisation of three Independent Commissions established in Chapter 12 of Zimbabwe’s Constitution.

We were privileged to be in this strategic position to offer technical recommendations and facilitate the signing of the agreement for joint investigations which enhanced complementarities of the common objectives, especially in cases where multiple human rights are violated.

Linking Common Threads.

Our support to the development of strategic plans for various institutions gives us a vantage point to recommend and support cross linkages for common good.
For example, working with the Judicial Services Commission, the Police, and the National Prosecuting Authority was an opportunity to consolidate the handling of sexual gender based violence cases.

Consequently,  the new Magistrate Court established in Chinhoyi town houses the high court, magistrate, police,, prosecuting authority, legal aid and other psychosocial support services in one building for holistic service provision.

SDGs contributed to
The President launches the National Development Strategy - the blueprint to guide Zimbabwe's development course from 2021 - 2025

National aspirations.
Global goals.

Throughout the 2016 - 2021 programme cycle, UNDP supported the development of two national development plans under the guidance of the Office of the President and Cabinet.

Supporting the National Development Strategy 1 (2021 - 2025) gave us the opportunity to provide technical expertise towards the development of the first ever national monitoring and evaluation framework aligned achieving national aspirations, Africa’s Agenda 2063, and the global SDGs.

SDGs contributed to
Cabinet approves establishment of Public Service Academy

Transforming the public sector

One of the commitments made by the new Government in the Transitional Stabilisation Programme was a transformation of the country's largest workforce, the Public Service.

In response to this agenda, UNDP took up to supported the strengthening of the Public Service sector and create a safer working environment.

We contributed towards setting up the Public Service Academy with the development of the training modules and the technology infrastructure which runs the Learning Management System and facilitates the training.

A Safe Working Environment.

Key support to the Public Service Commission was the development and awareness of a comprehensive sexual harrassment policy to address gender based violence within the public sector.

SDGs contributed to
May - November
Zimbabwe submits five State Party reports to various Human Rights Treaty bodies

Supporting human rights reporting obligations

Since 2016, UNDP has provided ongoing support to the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs to regularise international human rights reporting obligations.

We worked with the Ministry, independent Commissions and the civil society to carry out nationwide consultations of citizens. Where applicable, we also assisted with developing plans and tracking the implementation of recommendations made by member states.

A total of five state party reports under the United Nations human rights system were developed and exceptionally submitted in 2021, bringing Zimbabwe up to date with its reports after reminders for submissions.

SDGs contributed to
The five State Party reports are:
ICERD - International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
ICESCR - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
UPR - Universal Periodic Review
ICCPR - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
CCD - Common Core Document
Government launches National Disability Policy

Fundamental freedoms for all with disabilities

Zimbabwe ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2013. UNDP, together with UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF and UN Women established a joint programme in 2018 to support the domestication of the convention, which included establishment of the Disability policy.

To the partnership, UNDP brought its experience in supporting governance processes to facilitate access to justice for women and girls with disabilities. Other contributions included:

  • training of judges and other justice actors on communicating with persons with disabilities and development of a sign language manual for the justice system.
  • supporting the development and submission of Zimbabwe’s state party report to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The first one since ratification in 2013.

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck in 2020, the joint programme was key in ensuring the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the national response.

SDGs contributed to
At Climate Change Conference (COP26), President Emmerson Mnangangwa “reaffirms the commitment to conserve the diverse wildlife Zimbabwe is blessed with” and commits to halting deforestation

Protecting national treasures

Zimbabwe’s commitment at COP26 reasserts the value and urgency of our joint work in protecting biodiversity, particularly wildlife, in the Zambezi Valley region of Zimbabwe.

We are working together with Government entities, safari operators, Non-Governmental and Community Based Organisations, and the communities themselves to address biodiversity loss in protected areas using various strategies:

  • involving local communities in conservation and associated benefits, and improving their alternative livelihoods
  • addressing human-wildlife conflict and damages to ecosystems
  • Supporting national institutions in integrated wildlife and natural resource management
  • identify and address gaps in policy and regulation

Results so far include:

Downward trend in poaching of key animal species
Significant reduction in area burnt by veld fires
Over 370,000 trees planted across the project area
Six community trusts created to enable communities to benefit from conservation activities
SDGs contributed to
The National AIDS Council announces Zimbabwe has achieved 90-90-90 HIV treatment targets

An AIDS-free Zimbabwe within reach

As the principal recipient of Global Funds grants since 2009, UNDP's support over the years has contributed to this milestone achievement.

Between 2016 - 2021, this support was even more impactful. The Global Fund programme stepped up investments in Prevention of Mother-to-Child Treatment, Early Infant Diagnosis and Testing, human resources retention, key populations and adolescent girls & young women, and strengthening health systems.

Assessments concludes that Zimbabwe is well positioned to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.
SDGs contributed to
The Solar4Health programme was established using savings realised from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (Global Fund) grants.
Providing treatment for over
of those on Anti retroviral therapy in Zimbabwe
Rolled out the electronic Patient Monitoring System (ePMS) in
health facilities for monitoring & management of ART patient information
Rolled out the electronic Patient Monitoring System (ePMS) in
health facilities for monitoring & management of ART patient information
Commissioned the Legal Environment Assessment Report on legal and human rights issues affecting people with HIV & TB, and those at higher risk of exposure
Supported establishment of Ministry of Health & Child Care's Data and Network Operations Centre which monitors all systems and links with other line Ministries
health care workers provided with allowances to retain their services for uninterrupted provision of essential services
Village Health Workers supported with allowances to strengthen primary healthcare
Supported the roll out of electronic logistics management system (eLMIS) for supply chain management
cold rooms installed to maintain cold chain at health facilities
air conditioners installed to improve the working environment for laboratory machines
140 kW
solar power system installed at the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe to support their quality control function
Contributed to the
decline in AIDS related deaths in the 10 years between 2010 - 2019
Invested in rolling out the DHIS2 software across the country for real-time reporting & early disease outbreak detection
Ensured supplies of ARV drugs, test kits & essential medical commodities during COVID-19 peak demand using our well established procurement system & network of global suppliers
state-of-the-art pharmaceutical warehouse constructed in Masvingo city
200 kW
power rating for the solar system installed & running the Masvingo city pharmaceutical warehouse
girls in 4 Districts supported with educational subsidies to keep them in school
major laboratory facilities supported by Ministry/UNDP/Global Fund that are currently serving as national COVID-19 testing centres
Facilitated construction of
boarding school facilities for schools girls who are made vulnerable by travelling long distances to school
One Stop centres established in each of the four target Districts to offer comprehensive treatment & legal support for victims of GBV

Turning the gears

The period between 2016-2021 was marked by significant challenges for the country, including tough economic reforms, climate-change related disasters, and the COVID-19 pandemic. While these challenges had a profound impact, they also presented an opportunity for us to leverage our staff's rich expertise and tap into the UNDP global network.

We were able to promote gender equality and encourage sustainable practices, such as 'greening' our own spaces. Despite the difficulties we faced, we remained committed to creating positive change and building a better future for ourselves and future generations.

Delivering development assistance to the people of Zimbabwe

During these challenging six years, UNDP is proud to have facilitated development assistance of over
$1 billion.


$605 m

worth of much needed goods and services handled in procurement between 2016 - 2021.

Through our global supply chain network, we

  • ensured continuous supply of essential medicines and equipment and minimal stock-outs
  • facilitated procurement for other UN agencies

Information Communications Technologies

UNDP's IT team continuously provided technical support and capacity building to our Government partners.

The height of which was facilitating business continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic where the team facilitated access to data, and equipment, and provided hundreds of hours of service.

Balancing the workforce

Snapshot of gender parity distribution in June 2019, midway between (2016 - 2021).

Throughout the six years (2016 - 2021), our workforce staff gender parity mostly oscillated around the 50% mark.

We realise equality is more than just balancing numbers. So we also:

  • ensured female participation on all corporate panels
  • carried out initiatives to support & inspire female colleagues
  • encouraged flexible working arrangements, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • mobilised resources to procure sanitary wear & soap for under-privileged girls

Switch to Green!

Every small action to reduce greenhouse emissions cumulatively counts towards the greater goal. These are some of the steps we took to practice what we promote.
Switched to energy saving lighting in all offices
Installed solar powered security lights
Installed touchless water taps which save more water
Switched to energy saving office air conditioning
Installed pressure sensitive water pumps that save water
Initiated garbage separation for downstream recycling
Initiated the process to switch entire office to solar power
Advanced planning towards adding electric cars to fleet
2022 - 2026

Accelerating action

The new programme covering the next 5 years years is geared towards accelerating progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

In our new 2022-2026 program, we will build on these successes, lessons, and partnerships to further assist Zimbabwe in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.